List of Documents, Forms and Additional Information to be carried

List of Documents, Forms and Additional Information to be carried

The documentation listed below shall be carried onboard of each Company aeroplane.

Commander shall produce these documents to a person authorised by an Authority within a reasonable time if requested to do so.

Aeroplane Documents

Aeroplane's documents belong permanently to the specific aeroplane and shall be placed in a special folder (Documents Folder) located on the flight deck, or in the Aircraft Technical Log. Care must be taken to ensure these files are not damaged, mislaid or removed from the aircraft.

Following documents shall be included:
  • Certificate of Registration - original;
  • Certificate of Airworthiness - original;
  • Aeroplane Radio Station License - original;
  • Air Operator Certificate (certified copy) with Operations Specifications (copy);
  • Noise Certificate - original or a copy;
  • Third Party Liability Insurance Certificate(s) - original or a copy;
  • Air Passenger Accident Insurance Certificate - original or a copy;
The validity of above documents is assured by appropriate update process. Before accepting the aeroplane the flight crew shall check that all required documents are on board. Operations Control Centre (OCC) must be informed in the event that any certificate is missing and a report shall be filled. Operations are allowed to continue until the flight reaches a base or destination where replacement documents can be provided.

In case of missing certificates a letter will be added to the Documents Folder detailing which certificates have been lost or damaged and which replacement certificates have been applied for. OCC will send out a replacement copy of the certificate to the appropriate base or destination where the Documents Folder can be updated. Damaged or worn certificates should also be reported to OCC; they should remain onboard until they can be replaced.

Operations Manuals and other Information/Forms

The following manuals are to be carried on each flight:
  • OM Part A;
  • OM Part B for the type being flown;
  • OM Part C.
An electronic format of the Operations Manual(s) is accepted.
  • Airplane Flight Manual (AFM);
  • MEL (Minimum Equipment List);
  • FCOM (Flight Crew Operating Manual);
  • Quick Reference Handbook(s) (QRH);
  • Operational Flight Plan(s) (refer to OM Part A, Chapter 8 for details);
  • Aircraft Technical Log (refer to OM Part A, Chapter 8 for details).
In addition to the above the following information and forms, relevant to the type and area of operation, shall be carried on each flight:
  • Details of the filed Air Traffic Service flight plan;
  • Appropriate NOTAM/AIS briefing documentation;
  • Appropriate meteorological information;
  • Weight and balance documentation / Load & Trim Sheet (refer to OM Part A, Chapter 8 and OM Part C for details);
  • Notification of special categories of passenger such as security personnel, if not considered as crew, PRMs, inadmissible passengers, deportees and persons in custody;
  • Notification of special loads including Dangerous Goods including written information to the Commander;
  • Current maps and charts and associated documents for the routes and aerodromes to be used;
  • Normal Checklist(s), as specified in OM Part B;
  • Any other documentation that may be required by the states concerned with this flight, such as cargo manifest, passenger manifest, etc;
  • Forms to comply with the reporting requirements of the National Aviation Authority and the operator;
  • Information regarding Search and Rescue procedures.
Following logs shall be available onboard in paper or electronic form:
  • Journey Log Report;
  • Aircraft Technical Log;
  • Load & Trim Sheet.
Crew Documents

Each flight crew member shall carry:
  • Valid Flight Crew Licence with appropriate ratings for the purpose of the flight;
  • Valid Medical Certificate.
Each crew member shall carry:
  • Valid passport with appropriate visas (if applicable);
  • Certificates of vaccination (if required); and
  • Valid Crew Identification Card.

Flight Envelope

The Flight Envelope (or Flight Return Envelope) contains the various papers assembled during a given flight. It is the responsibility of the First Officer to organize and submit the envelope. The Commander shall ensure that all relevant operational documents are available during flight and signed. Used operational documentation shall, upon completion of the flight or series of flights, be handed over to authorised Company personnel (who collect the Flight Envelope either on the aircraft or in the Flight Dispatch (Operations Control Centre).

On flights with a crew-change, the on-duty-crew into base (Phnom Penh) or other designated Company base) is responsible for all Flight Envelope(s) on board and their submission to the authorised Company personnel.

On return, the Flight Envelope shall include the following documents/papers as applicable:
  • Journey Log (signed by the Commander);
  • Operational Flight Plan (signed by the Commander);
  • NOTAMS/AIS/MET briefing documentation;
  • Weight and Balance Documentation (signed by the Commander);
  • Aircraft Technical Log (signed by the Commander);
  • Special Categories of Passenger Notification (if applicable);
  • Special Loads Notification and/or Dangerous Goods Notification (if applicable);
  • Dangerous Goods Transport Document (if applicable);
  • General Declaration (if applicable);
  • Passenger Manifest(s) (if applicable);
  • Cargo Manifest(s) (if applicable);
  • Air Mail Documents (if applicable);
  • Fuel uplift receipts (if applicable);
  • De-/Anti-icing Declaration (if applicable);
  • Any irregular event forms (if applicable);
  • Air Safety Report (ASR) (if applicable);
  • Any other document reflecting any operational activity applicable to the flight.

List of Documents, Forms and Additional Information to be carried List of Documents, Forms and Additional Information to be carried Reviewed by Aviation Lesson on 6:00 PM Rating: 5

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