Code 1 :

TAF VDPP 302300Z 3100/3124 VRB02KT 5000 RA SCT010 BKN040 =

Decode 1 :
  • TAF           : Aerodrome forecast 
  • VDPP        : ICAO identification location of Phnom Penh Int. airport
  • 302300Z    : The time of origin (issuing) at 2300 utc on the 30th 
  • 3100/3124 : Period of validity from 0000 utc on 31st to 2400 utc on 31st 
Forecast Prevailing Conditions

  • VRB02KT : Wind direction in variable, Wind speed 02 knots
  • 5000            : Horizontal Visibility 5000 meters
  • RA              : Present weather is Rain
  • SCT010      : Cloud layer 1 amount 3-4 oktas (or 3/8-4/8) at base 1000 ft
  • BKN040     : Cloud layer 2 amount 5-7 oktas (or 5/8-7/8) at base 4000 ft
  • =                  : The end signal of the message
Code 2 : TEMPO

TAF VDPP 080500Z 0806/0912 23004MPS 9999 SCT017 TEMPO 0808/0814 3000 TSRA SCT013 FEW015CB BKN100 =

Decode 2 : TEMPO
  • TAF          : Aerodrome forecast 
  • VDPP        : ICAO identification location of Phnom Penh Int. airport 
  • 080500Z    : The time of origin (issuing) at 0500 utc on the 08th 
  • 0806/0912 : Period of validity from 0600 utc on 08th to 1200 utc on 9th 
Forecast Prevailing Conditions 
  • 23004MPS   : Mean wind direction 230 degrees  or Mean wind speed 04mps
  • 9999              : Horizontal visibility 10km or more 
  • SCT017        : Cloud layer 1 amount 3-4 oktas (or 3/8-4/8) at base 1700 ft 
  • TEMPO       : Forecast Temporary Changes 
  • 0808/0814     : Between 0800 utc and 1400 utc on 08th 
  • 3000              : Horizontal Visibility reduced to 3000 meters 
  • TSRA           : Weather phenomena is moderate thunderstorm with rain 
  • SCT013        : Cloud layer 1 amount 3-4 oktas (or 3/8-4/8) at base 1300 ft 
  • FEW015CB : Cloud layer 2 amount 1-2 oktas of Cumulonimbus (or 1/8-2/8) a at base 1500 ft 
  • BKN100        : Cloud layer 3 amount 5-7 oktas (or 5/8-7/8) at base 10000 ft 
  • =                    : The end of message signal

Code 3 : BECMG

TAF VDPP 231100Z 2312/2412 04005KT CAVOK BECMG 2401/2402 5000 BR SCT015 = 

Decode 3 : BECMG
  • TAF          : Aerodrome forecast 
  • VDPP       : ICAO identification location of Phnom Penh Int. airport
  • 231100Z   : The time of origin (issuing) at 1100 utc on the 23th
  • 2312/2412 : Period of validity from 1200 utc on 23th to 1200 utc on 24th 
Forecast Prevailing Conditions 
  • 04005KT   : Mean wind direction 40 degrees or Mean wind speed 05kts 
  • CAVOK    : 
+ NSC :
     - No base < 1500m (5000ft)
     - No CB/TCU
+ Visibility >= 10km
+ No significant weather
  • BECMG   : Forecast Lasting (or Becoming) Changes 
  • 2401/2402 : Between 0100 utc on 24th and 0200 utc on 24th 
  • 5000          : Horizontal Visibility is 5000 meters 
  • BR             : Weather phenomena is Mist 
  • SCT015     : Cloud layer 1 amount 3-4 oktas (or 3/8-4/8) at base 1500 ft 
  • =                 : The end of message signal

Code 4 : FM

TAF VDPP 232300Z 2400/2506 04012KT 3000 RA SCT010 OVC040 FM 241800 12004KT 8000 NSW NSC = 

Decode 4 : FM 
  • TAF           : Aerodrome forecast 
  • VDPP        : ICAO identification location of Phnom Penh Int. airport 
  • 232300Z    : The time of origin (issuing) at 2300Z on the 23th 
  • 2400/2506  : Period of validity from 0000Z on 24th to 0600Z on 25th 
Forecast Prevailing Conditions 
  • 04012KT : Mean wind direction 40 degrees or Mean wind speed 12kts 
  • 3000         : Horizontal Visibility is 3000m 
  • RA           : Present weather is Rain 
  • SCT010   : Cloud layer 1 amount 3-4 oktas (or 3/8-4/8) at base 1000 ft 
  • OVC040  : Cloud layer 2 amount 8 oktas (or 8/8) at base 4000 ft 
  • FM           : Self-contained Time Change, during which certain condition prevail 
  • 241800     : At 1800Z on 24th 
  • 12004KT : Mean wind direction 120 degrees or Mean wind speed 04kts 
  • 8000         : Horizontal Visibility is 8000 meters 
  • NSW        : Rain stops 
  • NSC 
+ No cloud of operational significance
     - No base < 1500m (5000ft)
     - No CB/TCU
+ No restriction on Vertical Visibility (VV)
+ CAVOK is not appropriate
  • =              : The end of message signal

Code 5 : PROB

TAF VDPP 111100Z 1112/1212 23008KT 9999 SCT015 PROB30 TEMPO 1206/1210 5000 TSRA SCT015 FEW017CB = 

Decode 5 : PROB
  • TAF           : Aerodrome forecast 
  • VDPP        : ICAO identification location of Phnom Penh Int. airport 
  • 111100Z    : The time of origin (issuing) at 1100Z on the 11th 
  • 1112/1212 : Period of validity from 1200Z on 11th to 1200Z on 12th 
Forecast Prevailing Conditions
  • 23008KT     : Mean wind direction 230 degrees or Mean wind speed 8kts 
  • 9999             : Horizontal visibility 10km or more 
  • SCT015       : Cloud layer 1 amount 34 oktas (or 3/84/8) at base 1500 ft 
  • PROB30 TEMPO : Forecast Probability of Temporary changes in weather conditions has a value of 30% (30 percentage) 
  • 1206/1210    : Between 0600Z on 12th and 1000Z on 12th 
  • 5000             : Horizontal Visibility is 5000 meters 
  • TSRA          : Weather phenomena is moderate thunderstorm with rain 
  • SCT015       : Cloud layer 1 amount 3-4 oktas (or 3/8-4/8) at base 1500 ft 
  • FEW017CB : Cloud layer 2 amount 1-2 oktas of Cumulonimbus (or 1/8-2/8) at base 1700 ft
  • =                    : The end of message signal
TERMINAL AREA FORECAST TERMINAL AREA FORECAST Reviewed by Aviation Lesson on 11:48 AM Rating: 5

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