4. Item A)
Insert ICAO location indicator of aerodrome or FIR in which the facility, airspace, or condition being reported on is located. More than one FIR/UIR may be indicated when appropriate. If there is no available ICAO location indicator, use the ICAO nationality letter as given in ICAO Doc 7910, Part 2 plus XX and followed up in Item E) by the name, in plain language.
5. Item B)
For date-time group use a ten-figure group, giving year, month, day, hours and minutes in UTC. This entry is the date-time at which the NOTAM N, R or C comes into force. In the case of NOTAM R which replaces the previous NOTAM and promulgates new information, field B) must give the date-time group at which this new information supersedes that to which it refers.
6. Item C)
A date-time group must be used unless the information is PERM. If the information on timing is uncertain, the approximate duration must be indicated using a date-time group followed by an EST. Any NOTAM which includes an EST must be cancelled or replaced.
7. Item D)
If the hazard, status of operation or condition of facilities being reported on will be active during specified periods, insert such information under Item D).
8. Item E)
Use decoded NOTAM Code, completed where necessary by indicators, identifiers, designators, call signs, frequencies, figures and plain language. ICAO abbreviations should be used where appropriate. This entry must be clear and concise in order to provide a suitable PIB entry. In the case of NOTAM C, a subject reference and status message should be included to enable accurate plausibility checks.
9. Items F) and G)
These items are normally applicable to navigation warnings or airspace restrictions and are usually part of the PIB entry. Insert lower and upper height limits of activities or restrictions, clearly indicating reference datum and units of measurement.
A1484/09 NOTAMN Q) EGTT/QMRXX/IV/NBO/A/000/999/5129N00028W005
B) 0908231540
C) 0910310500 EST
A1484/09 - one letter to indicate the Series, a 4-digit NOTAM number followed by a stroke and two digits to indicate the year.
NOTAMN - Suffix N Indicates this is a new NOTAM. Other options are R for NOTAM replacing another or C for one cancelling another.
Q) EGTT/QMRXX/IV/NBO/A/000/999/5129N00028W005
This is the "Q" or qualifier line, it always starts Q) and contains the following fields, each separated by a stroke.
FIR (here EGTT, London FIR)
NOTAM Code, a 5 letter code starting with Q, defined in Annexe 15. Here QMR indicates that it concerns a Runway. XX indicates that remaining detail is in Plain Language. In this particular case the text shows that certain runway lighting is unavailable. Strictly speaking under ICAO rules this should have appeared as separate NOTAM for each type of lighting. QLCAS is the code for centreline lighting u/s QLZAS is the code for Touch Down Zone lighting u/s and QLAAS is the code for Approach Lighting u/s (note in all cases AS indicates unserviceable). The use of QMRXX here is a sensible compromise that reduces the number of NOTAM from three to one
IV - Indicates that this is significant for IFR and VFR traffic
NBO - indicates for immediate attention of aircraft operators, for inclusion in PIB's and Operationally significant for IFR flights
A - Indicates scope, here Aerodrome, others are E (en-route) or W (nav warning)
000/999 - lower and upper limits expressed as a flight level. In this case it has been left as the default as it is not applicable.
5129N00028W005 - Indicates the geographical centre and radius of influence, always this number of digits. In this case the radius is 5 n.m.
A) EGLL - ICAO indicator of the aerodrome or FIR (London Heathrow) can include more than one FIR
B) 0908231540 - Date/time group (UTC) when this NOTAM becomes effective
C) 0910310500 EST - Date/time group (UTC) when the NOTAM ceases to be effective. Note "EST" means "estimated" (NOT Eastern Standard Time!). All NOTAM with EST remain in force until cancelled or replaced.
E) RWY 09R/27L DUE WIP NO CENTRELINE, TDZ OR SALS LIGHTING AVBL - text of the notam using ICAO abbreviations.
Decode of this is "Runway 09/27 due to work in progress no centreline, touchdown zone or simple approach lighting system available"
Insert ICAO location indicator of aerodrome or FIR in which the facility, airspace, or condition being reported on is located. More than one FIR/UIR may be indicated when appropriate. If there is no available ICAO location indicator, use the ICAO nationality letter as given in ICAO Doc 7910, Part 2 plus XX and followed up in Item E) by the name, in plain language.
5. Item B)
For date-time group use a ten-figure group, giving year, month, day, hours and minutes in UTC. This entry is the date-time at which the NOTAM N, R or C comes into force. In the case of NOTAM R which replaces the previous NOTAM and promulgates new information, field B) must give the date-time group at which this new information supersedes that to which it refers.
6. Item C)
A date-time group must be used unless the information is PERM. If the information on timing is uncertain, the approximate duration must be indicated using a date-time group followed by an EST. Any NOTAM which includes an EST must be cancelled or replaced.
7. Item D)
If the hazard, status of operation or condition of facilities being reported on will be active during specified periods, insert such information under Item D).
8. Item E)
Use decoded NOTAM Code, completed where necessary by indicators, identifiers, designators, call signs, frequencies, figures and plain language. ICAO abbreviations should be used where appropriate. This entry must be clear and concise in order to provide a suitable PIB entry. In the case of NOTAM C, a subject reference and status message should be included to enable accurate plausibility checks.
9. Items F) and G)
These items are normally applicable to navigation warnings or airspace restrictions and are usually part of the PIB entry. Insert lower and upper height limits of activities or restrictions, clearly indicating reference datum and units of measurement.
A1484/09 NOTAMN Q) EGTT/QMRXX/IV/NBO/A/000/999/5129N00028W005
B) 0908231540
C) 0910310500 EST
A1484/09 - one letter to indicate the Series, a 4-digit NOTAM number followed by a stroke and two digits to indicate the year.
NOTAMN - Suffix N Indicates this is a new NOTAM. Other options are R for NOTAM replacing another or C for one cancelling another.
Q) EGTT/QMRXX/IV/NBO/A/000/999/5129N00028W005
This is the "Q" or qualifier line, it always starts Q) and contains the following fields, each separated by a stroke.
FIR (here EGTT, London FIR)
NOTAM Code, a 5 letter code starting with Q, defined in Annexe 15. Here QMR indicates that it concerns a Runway. XX indicates that remaining detail is in Plain Language. In this particular case the text shows that certain runway lighting is unavailable. Strictly speaking under ICAO rules this should have appeared as separate NOTAM for each type of lighting. QLCAS is the code for centreline lighting u/s QLZAS is the code for Touch Down Zone lighting u/s and QLAAS is the code for Approach Lighting u/s (note in all cases AS indicates unserviceable). The use of QMRXX here is a sensible compromise that reduces the number of NOTAM from three to one
IV - Indicates that this is significant for IFR and VFR traffic
NBO - indicates for immediate attention of aircraft operators, for inclusion in PIB's and Operationally significant for IFR flights
A - Indicates scope, here Aerodrome, others are E (en-route) or W (nav warning)
000/999 - lower and upper limits expressed as a flight level. In this case it has been left as the default as it is not applicable.
5129N00028W005 - Indicates the geographical centre and radius of influence, always this number of digits. In this case the radius is 5 n.m.
A) EGLL - ICAO indicator of the aerodrome or FIR (London Heathrow) can include more than one FIR
B) 0908231540 - Date/time group (UTC) when this NOTAM becomes effective
C) 0910310500 EST - Date/time group (UTC) when the NOTAM ceases to be effective. Note "EST" means "estimated" (NOT Eastern Standard Time!). All NOTAM with EST remain in force until cancelled or replaced.
E) RWY 09R/27L DUE WIP NO CENTRELINE, TDZ OR SALS LIGHTING AVBL - text of the notam using ICAO abbreviations.
Decode of this is "Runway 09/27 due to work in progress no centreline, touchdown zone or simple approach lighting system available"
Reviewed by Aviation Lesson
2:30 PM
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