ATC Flight Plan

ATC Flight Plan

An ATC flight plan must be filed for each Company flight (IFR, VFR, revenue or nonrevenue).
Special procedures or manoeuvrability limitations (if any) shall be indicated.

Sample of ICAO Flight Plan Form

illing and Filing ATC Flight Plan

The procedure to fill an ATC flight plan is defined in ICAO Doc 4444. The ATC flight plan must be filed at least 1 hour before the ETD, unless national regulations state otherwise.

The ATC flight plan should be amended or a new ATC flight plan submitted and the old one cancelled, whichever is applicable in the event of a delay of 30 minutes in excess of the estimated off-block time for which an ATC flight plan has been submitted.

At home base the Flight Dispatch (Operations Control Centre), at outstations the contracted ground handling company/agent should file the ATC Flight Plan. The Commander is provided with a copy of the ATC Flight Plan on the OFP.

Important: While the Commander is on board he is responsible to initiate required actions to amend filed ATC flight plan in case of delay or changes.

Instructions for the Completion of the ICAO Flight Plan Form

Adhere closely to the prescribed formats and manner of specifying data.

Commence inserting data in the first space provided. Where excess space is available, leave unused spaces blank.

Insert all clock times in 4 figures UTC.
Insert all estimated elapsed times in 4 figures (hours and minutes).
Complete Items 7 to 18 as indicated hereunder.
Complete also Item 19 as indicated hereunder, when so required by the appropriate ATS authority or when otherwise deemed necessary.

Insert one of the following aircraft identifications, not exceeding 7 characters:
• The registration marking of the aircraft (e.g. XU711, N2668GA), when:
- In radiotelephony the call sign to be used by the aircraft will consist of this identification alone, or preceded by the ICAO telephony designator for the aircraft operating agency;
- The aircraft is not equipped with radio; or
• The ICAO designator for the aircraft operating agency followed by the flight identification (e.g. SWM214, NGA413) when in radiotelephony the call sign to be used by the aircraft will consist of the ICAO telephony designator for the operating agency followed by the flight identification (e.g. The Company 211, NIGERIA 413).

Note: Provisions for the use of radiotelephony call signs are contained in Annex 10, Volume II, Chapter 5. ICAO designators and telephony designators for aircraft operating agencies are contained in Doc 8585 - Designators for Aircraft Operating Agencies, Aeronautical Authorities and Services.

Flight Rules Insert one of the following letters to denote the category of flight rules with which the pilot intends to comply:

I        if IFR
V       if VFR
Y       if IFR first and specify in Item 15 the point or points where a change of
Z       if VFR first flight rules is planned

Type of Flight

Insert one of the following letters to denote the type of flight when so required by the appropriate ATS authority:
S       if scheduled air service
N      if non-scheduled air transport operation
G      if general aviation
M     if military
X      if other than any of the defined categories above

ITEM 9: NUMBER AND TYPE OF AIRCRAFT AND WAKE TURBULENCE CATEGORY Number of aircraft (1 or 2 characters) Insert the number of aircraft, if more than one.

Type of aircraft (2 to 4 characters)

Insert the appropriate designator as specified in ICAO Doc 8643, Aircraft Type Designator:

A319     for Airbus A319
A320     for Airbus A320
A321     for Airbus A321

or, if no such designator has been assigned, or in case of formation flights comprising more than one type, insert:

ZZZZ, and specify in Item 18, the (numbers and) type(s) of aircraft preceded by TYP/ Wake turbulence category (1 character)

Insert an oblique stroke followed by one of the following letters to indicate the wake turbulence category of the aircraft:

H HEAVY,        to indicate an aircraft type with a maximum certificated take-off weight of 136 000 kg or more;
M MEDIUM,   to indicate an aircraft type with a maximum certificated take-off weight of less than 136 000 kg but more than 7 000 kg;
L LIGHT,         to indicate an aircraft type with a maximum certificated take-off weight of 7000 kg or less.


Radio communication, navigation and approach aid equipment
Insert one letter as follows:

N     if no COM/NAV/approach aid equipment for the route to be flown is carried, or the equipment is unserviceable, or
S     if standard COM/NAV/approach aid equipment for the route to be flown is carried and serviceable (see Note 1), and/or

Insert one or more of the following letters to indicate the COM/NAV/approach aid equipment available and serviceable:

A (Not allocated)                M Omega
B (Not allocated)                 O VOR
C LORAN C                        P Precision RNAV
D DME                                Q (Not allocated)
E (Not allocated)                 R RNP type certification (see Note 5)
F ADF                                  T TACAN
G (GNSS)                            U UHF RTF
H HF RTF                            V VHF RTF
I Inertial Navigation            W RVSM approved
J (Data Link) (see Note 3)   X When prescribed by ATS
K (MLS)                               Y VHF 8.33kHz
L ILS                                     Z Other equipment carried (see Note 2)

1) Standard equipment is considered to be VHF RTF, ADF, VOR and ILS, unless another combination is prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority.
2) If the letter Z is used, specify in Item 18 the other equipment carried, preceded by COM/ and/or NAV/, as appropriate.
3) If the letter J is used, specify in Item 18 the equipment carried, preceded by DAT/ followed by one or more letters as appropriate.
4) Information on navigation capability is provided to ATC for clearance and routing purposes.
5) Inclusion of letter R indicates that an aircraft meets the RNP type prescribed for the route segment(s), route(s) and/or area concerned.

Surveillance equipment
Insert after the slash:
SSR equipment
N    Nil or the equipment is unserviceable
A     Transponder - Mode A (4 digits - 4 096 codes)
C     Transponder - Mode A (4 digits - 4 096 codes) and Mode C
X     Transponder - Mode S without both aircraft identification and pressure-altitude transmission
P     Transponder - Mode S, including pressure-altitude transmission, but no aircraft identification transmission
I      Transponder - Mode S, including aircraft identification transmission, but without pressure-altitude capability
S     Transponder - Mode S, including both pressure-altitude and aircraft identification transmission.

ADS equipment

D1 ADS-C with FANS1/A capability.


Insert the ICAO four-letter location indicator of the departure aerodrome, or, if no location indicator has been assigned, insert ZZZZ and specify, in Item 18, the name of the aerodrome preceded by DEP/ or, if the flight plan is received from an aircraft in flight, insert AFIL, and specify, in Item 18, the ICAO four-letter location indicator of the location of the ATS unit from which supplementary flight plan data can be obtained, preceded by DEP/ , then, without a space, insert for a flight plan submitted before departure, the estimated off-block time, or, for a flight plan received from an aircraft in flight, the actual or estimated time over the first point of the route to which the flight plan applies.


Insert the first cruising speed as in (a) and the first cruising level as in (b), without a space between them, then, following the arrow, insert the route description as in (c).

a) Cruising speed (maximum 5 characters)
Insert the True Air Speed for the first or the whole cruising portion of the flight, in terms of:
Kilometres per hour, expressed as K followed by 4 figures (e.g. K0830), or
Knots, expressed as N followed by 4 figures (e.g. N0485), or
Mach number, when so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, to the nearest hundredth of unit Mach, expressed as M followed by 3 figures (e.g. M080).

b) Cruising level (maximum 5 characters)
Insert the planned cruising level for the first or the whole portion of the route to be flown, in terms of:
Flight level,             expressed as F followed by 3 figures (e.g. F085; F330), or
Metric Levels,         in tens of metres (when so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authorities), expressed as S followed by 4 figures (e.g. S1130), or
Altitude,                  in hundreds of feet, expressed as A followed by 3 figures (e.g. A045; A100), or
Altitude,                  in tens of metres, expressed as M followed by 4 figures (e.g. M0840), or
The letters VFR,    (for uncontrolled VFR flights).

c) Route (including changes of speed, level and/or flight rules)
Flights along designated ATS routes:
Insert if the departure aerodrome is located on or connected to the ATS route, the designator of the first ATS route, or if the departure aerodrome is not on or connected to the ATS route, the letters DCT followed by the point of joining the first ATS route, followed by the designator of the ATS route.

Then insert each point at which either a change of speed or level, a change of ATS route, and/or a change of flight rules is planned (note: When a transition is planned between a lower and upper ATS route and the routes are oriented in the same direction, the point of transition need not be inserted).

Follow in each case by the designator of the next ATS route segment, even if the same as the previous one, or by DCT, if the flight to the next point will be outside a designated route, unless both points are defined by geographical coordinates.

Flights outside designated ATS routes:
Insert points normally not more than 30 minutes flying time or 370 km (200 NM) apart, including each point at which a change of speed or level, a change of track, or a change of flight rules is planned, or, when required by appropriate ATS authority(ies), define the track of flights operating predominantly in an east-west direction between 70°N and 70°S by reference to significant points formed by the intersections of half or whole degrees of latitude with meridians spaced at intervals of 10 degrees of longitude. For flights operating in areas outside those latitudes the tracks shall be defined by significant points formed by the intersection of parallels of latitude with meridians normally spaced at 20 degrees of longitude. The distance between significant points shall, as far as possible, not exceed one hour's flight time. Additional significant points shall be established as deemed necessary.

For flights operating predominantly in a north-south direction, define tracks by reference to significant points formed by the intersection of whole degrees of longitude with specified parallels of latitude which are spaced at 5 degrees.

Insert DCT between successive points unless both points are defined by geographical coordinates or by bearing and distance.

Use only the conventions in (1) to (5) below and separate each sub-item by a space.
1) ATS route (2 to 7 characters)

The coded designator assigned to the route or route segment including, where appropriate, the coded designator assigned to the standard departure or arrival route (e.g. Y711, UB10, BULLS1P).

Note: Provisions for the application of route designators are contained in Annex 11, Appendix 1, whilst guidance material on the application of an RNP type to a specific route segment(s), route(s) or area is contained in the Manual on Required Navigation Performance (RNP) (Doc 9613).

2) Significant point (2 to 11 characters)
The coded designator (2 to 5 characters) assigned to the point (e.g. NAH, OLMEN), or, if no coded designator has been assigned, one of the following ways:
• Degrees only (7 characters):
2 figures describing latitude in degrees, followed by "N" (North) or "S" (South), followed by 3 figures describing longitude in degrees, followed by "E" (East) or "W" (West). Make up the correct number of figures, where necessary, by insertion of zeros, e.g. 46N078W. •Degrees and minutes (11 characters):
4 figures describing latitude in degrees and tens and units of minutes followed by "N" (North) or "S" (South), followed by 5 figures describing longitude in degrees and tens and units of minutes, followed by "E" (East) or "W" (West). Make up the correct number of figures, where necessary, by insertion of zeros, e.g. 4620N07805W
• Bearing and distance from a navigation aid:
The identification of the navigation aid (normally a VOR), in the form of 2 or 3 characters, then the bearing from the aid in the form of 3 figures giving degrees magnetic, then the distance from the aid in the form of 3 figures expressing nautical miles. Make up the correct number of figures, where necessary, by insertion of zeros - e.g. a point 180° magnetic at a distance of 40 nautical miles from VOR "DUB" should be expressed as DUB180040.

3) Change of speed or level (maximum 21 characters)
The point at which a change of speed (5% TAS or 0.01 Mach or more) or a change of level is planned, expressed exactly as in (2) above, followed by an oblique stroke and both the cruising speed and the cruising level, expressed exactly as in (a) and (b) above, without a space between them, even when only one of these quantities will be changed.


4) Change of flight rules (maximum 3 characters)
The point at which the change of flight rules is planned, expressed exactly as in (2) or (3) above as appropriate, followed by a space and one of the following:
VFR if from IFR to VFR
IFR if from VFR to IFR

LN/N0284A050 IFR

5) Cruise climb (maximum 28 characters)
The letter C followed by an oblique stroke; then the point at which cruise climb is planned to start, expressed exactly as in (2) above, followed by an oblique stroke; then the speed to be maintained during cruise climb, expressed exactly as in (a) above, followed by the two levels defining the layer to be occupied during cruise climb, each level expressed exactly as in (b) above, or the level above which cruise climb is planned followed by the letters plus, without a space between them.


Destination aerodrome and total estimated elapsed time (8 characters)
Insert the ICAO four-letter location indicator of the destination aerodrome followed, without a space, by the total estimated elapsed time, or, if no location indicator has been assigned, insert ZZZZ followed, without a space, by the total estimated elapsed time, and specify in Item 18 the name of the aerodrome, preceded by DEST/

Note: For a flight plan received from an aircraft in flight, the total estimated elapsed time is the estimated time from the first point of the route to which the flight plan applies.

Alternate aerodrome(s) (4 characters)
Insert the ICAO four-letter location indicator(s) of not more than two alternate aerodromes, separated by a space, or, if no location indicator has been assigned to the alternate aerodrome, insert ZZZZ and specify in Item 18 the name of the aerodrome, preceded by ALTN/

Insert: 0 (zero) if no other information, or, any other necessary information in the preferred sequence shown hereunder, in the form of the appropriate indicator followed by an oblique stroke and the information to be recorded:

EET/: Significant points or FIR boundary designators and accumulated estimated elapsed times to such points or FIR boundaries, when so prescribed on the basis of regional air navigation agreements, or by the appropriate ATS authority.

EET/CAP0745 XYZ0830

RIF/: The route details to the revised destination aerodrome, followed by the ICAO four-letter location indicator of the aerodrome. The revised route is subject to reclearance in flight.


REG/: The registration markings of the aircraft, if different from the aircraft identification in Item 7.

SEL/: SELCAL Code, if so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority.

OPR/: Name of the operator, if not obvious from the aircraft identification in Item 7.

STS/: Reason for special handling by ATS, e.g. hospital aircraft, one engine inoperative, e.g. STS/HOSP, STS/ONE ENG INOP.

TYP/: Type(s) of aircraft, preceded if necessary by number(s) of aircraft, if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 9.

PER/: Aircraft performance data, if so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority.

COM/: Significant data related to communication equipment as required by the appropriate ATS authority, and not specified in Item 10.

DAT/: Significant data related to data link capability, using one or more of the letters S, H, V and M, e.g. DAT/S for satellite data link, DAT/H for HF data link, DAT/V for VHF data link, DAT/M for SSR Mode S data link, and not specified in Item 10.

SUR/: Surveillance applications or capabilities not specified in Item 10.

NAV/: Significant data related to navigation equipment, other than specified in PBN/, as required by the appropriate ATS authority.

DEP/: Name of departure aerodrome, if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 13, or the ICAO fourletter location indicator of the location of the ATS unit from which supplementary flight plan data can be obtained, if AFIL is inserted in Item 13.

DEST/: Name of destination aerodrome, if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 16.

ALTN/: Name of destination alternate aerodrome(s), if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 16.

PBN/: RNAV and/or RNP capabilities. Should include as many of the indicators, as applied to the flight (max 8 entries, max 16 characters). Indicators: A1 (RNAV 10/RNP 10), B1 (RNAV 5 all permitted sensors), B2 (RNAV GNSS), B3 (RNAV 5 DME/DME), B4 (RNAV VOR/DME), B5 (RNAV 5 INS or IRS), B6 (RNAV 5 LORAN C), C1 (RNAV 2 all permitted sensors), C2 (RNAV 2 GNSS), C3 (RNAV 2 DME/DME), C4 (RNAV 2 DME/DME/IRU), D1 (RNAV 1 all permitted sensors), D2 (RNAV 1 GNSS), D3 (RNAV 1 DME/DME), D4 (RNAV 1 DME/DME/IRU), L1 (RNP$), 01 (Basic RNP 1 all permitted sensors), 02 (Basic RNP 1 GNSS), 03 (Basic RNP 1 DME/DME), 04 (BASIC RNP 1 DME/DME/IRU), S1 (RNP APCH), S2 (RNP APCH with BARO-VNAV), T1 (RNP AR APCH with RF), T2 (RNP AR APCH without RF).

RALT/: Name of en-route alternate aerodrome(s).

CODE/: Aircraft address (expressed in the form of an alphanumerical code of six hexadecimal characters) when required by the appropriate ATS authority.

Example:"F00001" is the lowest aircraft address contained in the specific block administered by ICAO.

RMK/: Any other plain language remarks when required by the appropriate ATS authority or deemed necessary.

After E/ insert a 4-figure group giving the fuel endurance in hours and minutes.

Persons on board
After P/ insert the total number of persons (passengers and crew) on board, when required by the appropriate ATS authority. Insert TBN (to be notified) if the total number of persons is not known at the time of filing.

Emergency and survival equipment

Cross out U if UHF on frequency 243.0 MHz is not available. Cross out V if VHF on frequency 121.5 MHz is not available. Cross out E if emergency locator transmitter (ELT) is not available.

Cross out all indicators if survival equipment is not carried. Cross out P if polar survival equipment is not carried. Cross out D if desert survival equipment is not carried. Cross out M if maritime survival equipment is not carried. Cross out J if jungle survival equipment is not carried.

Cross out all indicators if life jackets are not carried. Cross out L if life jackets are not equipped with lights. Cross out F if life jackets are not equipped with fluorescein. Cross out U or V or both as in R/ above to indicate radio capability of jackets, if any.

Cross out indicators D and C if no dinghies are carried, or insert number of dinghies carried; and

Insert total capacity, in persons, of all dinghies carried; and

Cross out indicator C if dinghies are not covered; and

Insert colour of dinghies if carried.

Insert colour of aircraft and significant markings.

Cross out indicator N if no remarks, or indicate any other survival equipment carried and any other remarks regarding survival equipment.

Insert name of pilot-in-command.

Filed by
Insert the name of the unit, agency or person filing the flight plan.
Space reserved for Additional Requirements
ATC Flight Plan ATC Flight Plan Reviewed by Aviation Lesson on 9:51 AM Rating: 5

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