Basic principle:

The center of gravity (C.G.) of any object is the point through which the weights of all the various parts of an object pass.

On the balanced see-saw, the MOMENT on each side of the Fulcrum must be equal.

When a Pivot is placed at Fulcrum position the see-saw is balanced.

Example 1:

Otherwise, the see-saw is imbalanced.

Example 2:

In this example, if the Pivot is moved 1 meter to its left the see-saw will be balanced.

Aircraft Center of Gravity

Safe range:

For safe operation, safe loading limits or safe range must be specified by the manufacturer (Safe loading limits). The distance between the forward and aft C.G. limits is called the center of gravity range. If the CG is within the limits, the aircraft is considered balancing. This is one of the most important tasks of the load control agent.

The following image is illustrated for the safe loading limits of safe range within pivot A and B

If increasing weight in the left makes the CG move beyond the pivot A the see-saw is imbalanced, as shown below.

Stability and Balance Control:

Balance control refers to the location of the CG of an aircraft. This is of primary importance to aircraft stability, which determines safety in flight.

The CG is the point at which the total weight of the aircraft is assumed to be concentrated, and the CG must be located within specific limits for safe flight.

Longitudinal stability is maintained by ensuring the CG is slightly ahead of the center of lift. This produces a fixed nose-down force independent of the airspeed. This is balanced by a variable nose-up force, which is produced by a downward aerodynamic force on the horizontal tail surfaces that varies directly with the airspeed.

If the CG is too far aft at the low stall airspeed, there might not be enough elevator nose-down authority to the nose down for recovery.

If the CG is too far forward, there will not be enough elevator nose-up force to flare the airplane for landing.

CENTER OF GRAVITY - CG CENTER OF GRAVITY - CG Reviewed by Aviation Lesson on 12:08 AM Rating: 5

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