Planning with one alternate aerodrome
Except conditions planning without destination alternate below, all IFR flights shall be planned with at least one destination alternate, the minimum amount of fuel to be on board the aircraft are the sum of :
Taxi fuel + Trip fuel + Contingency fuel + Alternate fuel + Final reserve fuel
Planning without destination alternate aerodrome
Flight(s) can be planned without destination alternate provided that:
(a) the destination is fulfilled with all of the following criteria:
- The duration of the planned flight from take-off to landing does not exceed 6 hours; and
- Two separate runways are available and usable at the destination and;
- The meteorological conditions indicates that for the period from one hour before until one hour after the expected time of arrival at destination, the ceiling will be at least 2000 ft or circling height + 500 ft whichever is greater; and the visibility will be at least 5 KM.
The amount of fuel on board the aircraft at departure when planned without alternate is the sum of:
Taxi fuel + Trip fuel + Contingency fuel + Final reserve fuel + Additional fuel
(b) the destination is isolated and no adequate destination alternate exist. The weather requirement for isolated destination shall be the same as that required for destination alternate planning minima.
The destination aerodrome is isolated when the fuel requirement from aerodrome of destination to destination alternate aerodrome exceed 2 hours flying time.
The amount of fuel on board the aircraft at departure for isolated destination are the sum of:
Taxi fuel + Trip fuel + Contingency fuel + Additional reserve fuel (fuel to fly for two hours at normal cruise consumption after arriving overhead the destination, final reserve fuel is included in this amount).
Planning with two alternate aerodromes
An operator must select two destination alternates when the appropriate weather reports or forecast for the destination, or any combination thereof, indicate that:
- When the weather at the destination does not meet the requirements or;
- When no meteorological information is available or;
- Expected crosswind exceed limits for the aircraft types.
The minimum amount of fuel to be on board the aircraft are the sum of :
Taxi fuel + Trip fuel + Contingency fuel + Alternate fuel (covering alternate requiring greater amount of fuelj + Final reserve fuel
Reviewed by Aviation Lesson
3:56 PM
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