When calculating the fuel required for the flight, using JetPlanner computer program, the Flight Dispatcher shall take into account, that a flight shall not be commenced unless, both the meteorological conditions and any delays that are expected in flight, the aircraft carries sufficient fuel and oil to ensure that it can safely complete the flight. In addition, a reserve fuel shall be carried to provide for contingencies.

Prior to operating on a new route or new airport, fuel freeze considerations are part of route analysis with emphasis on prevailing seasonal temperatures and aircraft type characteristics.

It is necessary to:
• Consult type specific documents;
• Consider possible flight at lower altitude;
• Recalculate trip fuel or stipulate extra fuel in OFP.

Economical Tankering
Economical tankering is applied on sectors where the cost of fuel at the destination airport is higher than at departure airport and the additional consumption due to the added fuel weight is more than offset by the fuel price differential.

Flight Support Manager will receive the information about fuel prices, Company payment policy, etc from Ground Operations Department and advise Flight Dispatch, which in turn takes note of this periodic advisory for implementation. The recommended fuel uplift will be stated on the operational flight plan, without exceeding maximum take-off and landing weights, and fuel requirement for the succeeding sector. The final decision to carry extra fuel for economical tinkering reasons rests solely with the Commander of the flight.

Tankering is not recommended when:
• Maximum take-off weight is restricted by runway length;
• Performing take-off in very hot and/or high environment;
• Landing runway is expected to be wet;
• Next rotation of an applicable aeroplane is not known. Tankering is not authorized when:
• It would impose exceeding of take-off or landing performance limits;
• Take-off runway is contaminated;
• Landing runway is expected to be contaminated;
• Maximum take-off weight is restricted by aeroplane technical status (MEL item);
• It may cause significant delay;
• It would impose payload reduction.
• Final decision to perform tankering always rests with the Commander.

Verification of Performance and Flight Planning Data Apart from FMS database verification, data produced or supplied by external suppliers and important for safety and execution of flights shall be monitored and verified. Performance calculations (RTOW tables, flight plans) and navigation data shall be monitored if supplied by external providers. Validity of data is monitored by spot checks and by feedback from operation.

FUEL CALCULATION FUEL CALCULATION Reviewed by Aviation Lesson on 2:20 PM Rating: 5

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