• The Commander exercises the final authority in relation to the operation of the aeroplane.
  • The Commander has the authority to disembark any person or any part of the cargo which, in his opinion, may represent a potential hazard to the safety of the aeroplane or its occupants. He must not allow any person who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs to be carried on the aeroplane. Inadmissible passengers, deportees or persons in custody whose carriage may pose a risk to the safety of the aeroplane or its occupants may be refused transportation by the Commander.
  • He is responsible for its safety as well as that of the passengers, crew and cargo as long as he retains responsibility. Therefore, he must take all measures required for safety, whether on the ground, in flight, during take-off, landing or taxiing.
  • All persons on board the aeroplane must obey all lawful directions given by the Commander to ensure its and their safety. The Commander has the authority to impose any measures he deems appropriate, including restraint, upon persons who, in his opinion, have committed or are about to commit an offence against penal law. This authority extends also to acts committed by any person which the Commander feels will jeopardize the safety of the aeroplane, its occupants or cargo. Furthermore, any such action may be undertaken in order to enable the Commander to deliver such a person to the Authority.
  • The responsibility of the Commander for the safety of the aeroplane and its occupants and cargo begins when he takes control of the aeroplane (door closed). It ends when he hands the aeroplane over to authorised ground personnel (Aircraft Technical Log sign-off) or to the next flight crew taking charge. Alternatively, his responsibility also ends when he, in accordance with specific instructions given in Operations Manual, leaves parked and secured aeroplane unattended.
  • In an emergency situation requiring immediate and decisive action, the Commander (or pilot to whom conduct of the flight has been delegated - PIC) may take any measures he considers necessary under the circumstances. In such cases, and only in order to ensure the safety of the aeroplane and its occupants and cargo, he may deviate from rules, operational procedures and methods.
  • The Commander sets priorities. His decisions must give absolute priority of safety, and have due regard for economy, passenger comfort and adherence to schedule. Notwithstanding his overall responsibility, he is authorised to delegate tasks to his crew and to other suitable personnel. It is his duty to coordinate, supervise and check the tasks of his crew. He shall encourage teamwork and ensure that his crew members receive all information essential for the performance of their tasks. He shall not allow any crew member to perform any activity during take-off, initial climb, final approach and landing except those duties required for the safe operation of the aeroplane.
  • The Commander must ensure that all operational procedures are conducted in accordance with the Operational Manual.
  • The Commander shall ensure that in the interest of safety, admission of any person other than the flight crew to the flight deck does not cause distraction and/or interfere with the flights operation. All persons carried on the flight deck are made familiar with the relevant safety procedures.
  • The Commander shall ensure that smoking ban is strictly adhered to during his responsibility over aeroplane.
  • The Commander shall ensure that, during a particular flight, the entire crew adheres to duty and rest time limitations.
  • The Commander shall perform, as Pilot Flying, those take-offs, approaches, landings and other phases of flight he considers in any way critical.
  • The Commander shall ensure that all crew members are able to communicate in common language.
  • The final decision regarding refusal of an admission to the flight deck shall be the responsibility of the Commander.
  • The Commander shall coordinate the flight deck task sharing and decide on who acts as Pilot Flying. In order to promote the aeronautical experience and knowledge of his First Officer, the Commander shall give him the opportunity to plan and conduct the flight, or portions thereof, under his supervision. First Officer shall carry out part of the flying and part of the total number of landings. As a guideline, First Officer shall be given the opportunity to fly at the controls up to 50%, but at least 25% of the total flight time and carry out such take-offs, climb-outs, approaches and landings which fall within his flying time.


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