Minimum Cabin Crew

On all passengers carrying flights at least one cabin crew member must be carried on aeroplanes which have a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 19. The cabin crew’s primary function is to perform duties in the interest of safety as specified in the OM Part A.

For normal commercial flight operations, the minimum number of cabin crew to be scheduled for duty on Company aeroplanes shall be as given in OM Part A, Chapter 4.4.

In unforeseen situations the required minimum number of cabin crew may be reduced provided that the number of passengers has been reduced in accordance with procedures specified in OM Part A, Chapter 4.4. After completion of the flight with reduced minimum number of cabin crew a report shall be submitted.

All cabin crew members shall wear the cabin crew uniform to be clearly identifiable to the passengers as a cabin crew member.

Cabin Crew in Charge (CIC)

Where more than one cabin crew member is required to be carried, the Company will designate one of them to be the Cabin Crew in Charge (CIC).


Succession of command in case of incapacitation of the Commander:
• Flight crew composed of 2 pilots: The second pilot takes the authority over all persons on-board the aeroplane until the normal chain of command can be reestablished.
• Flight crew composed of more than 2 pilots: The second pilot takes the authority over all persons on-board the aeroplane until a more qualified pilot (if any) takes the authority after having been informed by the second pilot and having acknowledged the overall situation and this until the normal chain of command can be reestablished.

If the originally designated Commander cannot continue his command of the flight, the flight will not depart from the aerodrome where it has landed or, if occurring during flight, from the next aerodrome at which it lands, unless another Company nominated Commander on that particular type of aircraft is included in the crew.

Chain of Command

The Chain of Command will be in the following order:
1. Designated Commander;
2. Designated Check Pilot (if available);
3. Designated In-flight Relief Pilot (if available);
4. Designated Safety Pilot (if available);
5. Designated First Officer;
6. Designated 3rd Pilot (if available);
7. Any Company Captain in order of seniority (if applicable);
8. Any Company First Officer in order of seniority (if applicable);
9. Designated CIC;
10. Other cabin crew members in order of seniority.


A Cabin Crew in Charge (CIC) shall be nominated whenever more than one cabin crew member is assigned.

For normal commercial flight operations the minimum crew complement shall never be less than:

Type    |    Condition Minimum     |     Flight Crew Minimum     |     Cabin Crew
A320                     none                                          2                                        4

Reduced Minimum Cabin Crew

Reduced Cabin Crew:
If unforeseen circumstances (incapacitation of cabin crew member) occur out of crew base the number of cabin crew may be reduced. Requirement for minimum one cabin crew member for every 50 or fraction of 50 passenger seats installed in the aircraft shall be observed. The reduced minimum cabin crew is applicable only for return flight(s) to the crew base. Number of passengers/occupied seats has to be reduced in accordance with the table below. Additionally, one of the remaining cabin crew members must be qualified CIC.

Reduced cabin crew complement:

Type     |     Condition Reduced Minimum      |      Cabin Crew
A320               max.150 occupied seats                               3

Before commencing a flight with reduced minimum cabin crew a special briefing by the Commander (allocation of emergency duties) is compulsory.

Cabin crew are not required on non-revenue flights time (positioning, delivery, ferry flights) where only non-operating crew members (DHC) are on board.

Exceptions to above rules may be stipulated by the Director of Flight Operations.

CABIN CREW COMPOSITION​ CABIN CREW COMPOSITION​ Reviewed by Aviation Lesson on 9:56 AM Rating: 5

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