  • The First Officer (F/O) is the Commanders deputy. He shall assume the role of pilotin-command when so directed by the Commander. If the Commander becomes incapacitated the First Officer assumes the Commanders authority and the responsibility for the aeroplane and its crew, its passengers and load. Therefore, it is his duty to responsibly participate in the preparation of the flight and to attentively monitor its progress in order to be able to assume this authority/responsibility at any given moment.
  • He cooperates, in a responsible manner, as a member of the aeroplanes crew, and meticulously performs the work routinely assigned to him or delegated to him by the Commander.
  • The First Officer shall report to the Commander any fault, failure, malfunction or defect, which he believes may affect the airworthiness or safe operation of the aeroplane or aeroplane systems.
  • The First Officer shall report to the Commander any incident that has endangered, or may have endangered, safety.
  • The First Officer shall make use of the company’s incident reporting scheme in accordance with OM-A Chapter 11. In such cases, a copy of the report should be communicated to the Commander concerned.
Main Duties and Responsibilities Prior to the Flight

Prior to the flight the First Officer shall:
  • Participate in the Commander's crew briefing, and make himself aware of all relevant aeronautical and meteorological information, aeroplanes technical status and anticipated load.
  • Acquire sufficient knowledge concerning the route (through OM Part C) and the aerodromes to be used (through self-instruction);
  • Obtain and check required aeronautical and meteorological information pertinent to his next flight;
  • Calculate/check the operational flight plan, the planned amount of fuel and oil being based on the expected operating conditions and sufficing for a safe completion of flight (whenever the OFP is being calculated by third parties, it is his responsibility to ensure that these requirements are met);
  • Submit to the appropriate ATS unit a flight plan or sufficient information for the initiation of SAR action should the flight become overdue (if not already performed by ground personnel);
  • Check that the prescribed manuals, maps, charts, documents and forms are on board and cover the aeroplanes intended operation including possible crew changes until return to a home base;
  • Check the radio and navigation equipment for proper functioning;
  • As appropriate, check use of the correct fuel type, supervise the fuelling of the aeroplane and ensure proper distribution of fuel;
  • Ensure that the prescribed preflight maintenance checks and inspections have been or are being carried out;
  • Relate to the cabin crew operational information and particulars pertinent to the individual flight.
Other chapters of Operations Manual may additionally define duties and responsibilities of the First Officer prior the flight.

Main Duties and Responsibilities during the Flight

During the flight and by delegation by the Commander the First Officer shall:
  • Execute (as directed by the Commander) the tasks and functions of either the Pilot Flying or the Pilot Monitoring;
  • Assist the Commander in the management of the flight deck work by:
          - Observing task distribution,
          - Systematic cooperation and exchange of information,
          - Monitoring the flight progress and the aeroplanes systems,
          - Maintaining visual lookout, and
          - Monitoring the performance of other cockpit crew members.
  • Draw the attention of the Commander to facts, circumstances or unfavourable variables which may impair the safety of the flight and which may not yet have been noticed by the Commander; and
  • Deal with all documents which have to be completed by him.
Such facts and circumstances may be but not limited to :
─ exceedance of limitations;
─ abnormal indications;
─ changes in meteorological conditions en-route or at alternates/destination airports;
─ ambiguous ATC clearances;
─ deficiencies in navigation or the aircraft handling; and
─ abnormal response of the aircraft to control input.

The Co-pilot deals with all documents which have to be completed (e.g. Operational Flight Plan, occurrence reports, Voyage Report … etc).

Other chapters of Operations Manual may additionally define duties and responsibilities of the First Officer during the flight.

Main Duties and Responsibilities after the Flight

After the flight and by delegation by the Commander the First Officer shall assist the Commander in/by:
  • Closing the aeroplanes documentation;
  • Putting into good order, for the use of the aeroplanes next flight crew, all manuals, maps and charts which form part of the flight deck library;
  • Handing over the aeroplane to its next crew or to appropriate maintenance personnel or, where this is impossible, having the aeroplane secured;
  • Handing over the completed documentation to authorised personnel or forwarding such documents by other means.
Other chapters of Operations Manual may additionally define duties and responsibilities of the First Officer after the flight.


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