The flight attendants shall be responsible for the proper execution of their duties that are related to the safety of the aircraft and its occupants.

Flight Attendants on the aircraft fulfill the following functions :
  • They ensure cabin safety under the overall authority and responsibility of the Commander (i.e. the safety of the passengers and security of cabin load and galleys);
  • Maintaining a thorough working knowledge of flight attendants emergency drills and procedures, as laid down in the Safety Emergency Procedures (SEP) Manual. In the event of an emergency he is responsible to the Commander for putting into effect the relevant procedures and emergency drills.
  • Report to the Commander any incident that has endangered or could have endangered the safety of the operations;
  • Being thoroughly familiar with all The Company’s aircraft galley equipment, catering stowage's and passenger amenity equipment and their operation;
  • Ensuring that they maintain a high standard of public conduct whilst in circumstances in which they could reasonably be recognised as being The Company crew;
  • Ensuring they present a good appearance when wearing The Company’s uniform;
  • Liaison between passengers and the flight crew;
  • Provide optimum comfort and service to The Company's customers; and
  • Refraining from making attempts to evade Malaysian or foreign customs, immigration or health regulations and from causing any unauthorized package, person or other item of load to be carried in any Company aeroplane;
Whenever more than one flight attendant is assigned, scheduling department will designate a Senior Flight Attendant (SFA) to:
  • Direct, co-ordinate and organize the functions and tasks of flight attendants;
  • Be responsible for maintaining good discipline among all flight attendants whilst on duty;
  • Be responsible to the Commander for the conduct and co-ordination of cabin safety and emergency procedure(s) as specified in the Operations Manual;
  • Be responsible to report Cabin Ready before take-off and landing;
  • Inform the flight crew of any irregularities and malfunctions in the cabin;
  • Report any incidents which occur during flight by using the reporting system (i.e. Safety Reports/Voyage Reports). In all such cases, a copy of the report shall be communicated to the Commander concerned; and
  • Ensure the orderly handover of the aircraft to the new flight attendant taking charge at transit stations.
Flight Attendants and Senior Flight Attendants must meet the qualification and recency requirements is given.

Whenever due to unforeseen circumstances the Senior Flight Attendant is incapacitated, the Commander will delegate duties and responsibilities of the Senior Flight Attendant to the crew member holding the highest seniority. In such a case, a full review of all relevant safety/emergency provisions shall be held during the crew briefing.

All FAs will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and well-being of passengers in both normal and emergency circumstances. They will report any irregularities, which they observe and which are related to safety, to the Commander, normally through the SFA. But, where they consider that the matter is urgent, by reporting directly to the flight deck.

FAs are individually responsible for ensuring that passport, visas, aircraft type approval and SEP manuals are up to date.

Pre-Flight Responsibilities

Before undertaking any flight in an The Company aeroplane, the FA is responsible to the aircraft commander, through the SFA for the following;
  • Ensuring that all galley equipment, catering stores, dry stores and lose equipment on board is properly and securely stowed;
  • Carrying out pre-flight routine inspections of the aircraft and its equipment as may be prescribed in the Operations Manual and Flight Attendant Safety Procedures Manual;
  • Ensuring that all passengers are properly and completely briefed as prescribed in the Operations Manual and Safety Emergency Procedures (SEP) Manual;
  • Ensuring that all appropriate and necessary Ship’s Papers are on board the aeroplane before its doors are closed for departure; and
  • In an emergency situation, meticulously carrying out such appropriate emergency or abnormal procedures as may be laid down in the Operations Manual and Flight Attendant Manual. 
After Flight Responsibilities

After undertaking any flight in an The Company aeroplane, the flight attendant is responsible to the aeroplane commander through the SFA for the following;
  • Completing any reports and records that The Company or any other responsible authority may require;
  • Making such entries concerning cabin defects in the Cabin Defects Log as may be appropriate;
  • Taking all reasonable precautions to ensure proper security of galley equipment, catering stores, dry stores and aeroplane lose equipment; and
  • Completing any required customs, immigration and health formalities.


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