Cumulative Duty Hours

The Company shall ensure that the total duty periods to which a flight crew member is assigned do not exceed:
  • 190 duty hours in any 28 consecutive days, spread as evenly as practicable throughout this period; and
  • 60 duty hours in any 7 consecutive days.
These limits include office days, simulator training/checking, medical examinations for the purpose of license renewal and all other flight and ground duties which are credited according to actual check-in and check-out times.

Limit on Total Block Times

The Company shall ensure that the total block times of the flights on which an individual flight crew member is assigned as an operating crew member does not exceed:
  • 1000 block hours in any consecutive 12 complete calendar months;
  • 100 block hours in any 28 consecutive days.
For a limited period of time, under specific approval by the Authority (SSCA), higher limit may be accepted for 28 consecutive days period. However limitation of 1000 block hours in any consecutive 12 complete calendar months remains valid.

Maximum Rostered Flight Duty Period (FDP)

Table A shall apply when the flight duty period (FDP) starts at a place where the crew member is acclimatised to local time, and Table B shall apply at other times. To be considered acclimatised for the purposes of this document, a crew member must be allowed 3 consecutive local nights free of duty within a local time zone band which is two hours wide. He will thereafter be considered to remain acclimatised to that same time zone band until he ends a duty period at a place where local time is outside of it.

Operational Robustness

Planned schedules must allow for flights to be completed within the maximum permitted daily flight duty period. Schedule or crewing arrangements shall be changed where the actual operation exceeds the maximum FDP on more than 33 % of the flights during a scheduled seasonal period.

Combinations of Flying and other Duty

All time spent on positioning is counted as duty, but it shall not count as a sector when assessing the maximum permissible FDP.

Positioning, any form of ground duty and standby at an airport which immediately precedes a flight duty shall be included in the FDP but shall not count as a sector.

A positioning sector immediately following operating sector does not count as a sector from a FDP perspective but will be taken into account for the calculation of minimum rest.

The ensuing rest period shall not start until all duty is finished, and its length shall be based on the total length of FDP plus duty.

Positioning which neither immediately precedes nor follows a FDP shall count as half for the purposes of cumulative duty limits.

Split Duty

When a rostered FDP consists of two or more sectors separated by an off-duty period of less than the minimum rest period, the limits in Tables A and B from Chapter 7.4.3 may be increased according to the time between scheduled arrival and scheduled departure, known as the transit period, but not beyond 16 hours, as follows:
- scheduled departure,
- known as the transit period, but not beyond 16 hours, as follows:

Transit Period                                     Increase in FDP limit
Not less than 4 consecutive hours                 + 1 hour
Not less than 6 consecutive hours                 + 2 hours
Not less than 8 consecutive hours                 + 3 hours

When the transit period is not more than 6 hours it will be sufficient if a quiet and comfortable place is available, not open to the public, but if the transit period is more than 6 hours a bed must be provided.

Base (Flight) Training

For the purpose of base training:

  • Maximum of 36 landings are allowed within one duty period exclusively reserved for base training.
  • Maximum of 18 landings are allowed if base training is preceded or followed by revenue flight operation within same flight duty period. 6 landings in base training count as one sector.
  • To allow sufficient time for pre-flight briefings and preparation, base training flight duty period shall start no later than 90 minutes before planned off-block time.
  • Maximum allowed FDP shall be in accordance with Maximum Rostered FDP but not more than 12 hours.

Extension of Flight Duty Period by Augmented Crew

When crew composition meets augmented crew definition, the maximum flight duty period defined in Chapter 7.4.3 may be extended by up to 4 hours if the crew is augmented by one pilot and there are suitable rest facilities available for one pilot. If there are no suitable rest facilities available, normal limits of Table A or Table B, without applying adjustments for long sector, are valid.

Reporting Time

Normal reporting time is 60 min before departure time.

Delayed Reporting Time

When crew members are informed of a delay before leaving their place of rest, the FDP shall start at the new reporting time, or 4 hours after the original reporting time, whichever is the earlier. The maximum FDP shall be based on the original reporting time. This does not apply if crew members are given 10 hours or more notice of a new reporting time.

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