The DCAM has the power to deliver the right to operate by means of an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC). An AOC may be varied, suspended or revoked if the Authority is no longer satisfied that the operation is safe.

The DCAM has the privilege to grant an exemption from any requirement prescribed in CAR 1996. In such a case, the DCAM is responsible for ensuring that an acceptable level of safety can be maintained.

The Chief Executive Officer, the Director of Flight Operations, the Director of Safety, the Chief Pilot Operations, the Chief Pilot Training & Standards, and the Chief Pilot Flight Safety must be acceptable to the DCAM. The DCAM has the right to interview any nominee or call for additional evidence of his suitability before deciding upon his acceptability.

The Authority has the power to :
  • Determine the adequacy, relevance and consistency of The Company compliance with the regulations;
  • Assess the efficiency of The Company internal monitoring procedures and confirm the availability of sufficient resources and proper processes, as documented by the AOC holder’s Quality System;and
  • Verify by means of inspections, compliance with the requirements and the effectiveness of The Company Quality System.
The DCAM has the power to assess the continued competence of The Company by inspection and monitoring of :
  • Infrastructure;
  • Manuals;
  • Training;
  • Crew Records;
  • Maintenance;
  • Ramp;
  • Equipment;
  • Pre-flight preparation;
  • Release of flight / dispatch;
  • Flight;
  • Ground;
  • Dangerous Goods; and
  • Quality System and results of Operator’s Quality Audits.
Any time such an inspection is conducted in the premises of The Company, a competent member of the department inspected shall accompany the member of the DCAM.

For flight inspections, The Company will ensure that any person authorised by the DCAM is permitted at any time to board and fly in any aircraft operated in accordance with an AOC issued by the DCAM and to enter and remain on the flight deck. However, at any time, the Commander may refuse access to the flight deck if, in his opinion, the safety of the aircraft would thereby be endangered.

The DCAM has the power to issue Operational Directives in the interests of safe operations.

The Commander, on request of any authorised agent of the State in which he is operating, will give access to that agent any or all documentation associated with operations through that state that must be on board the aircraft.

POWERS OF THE AUTHORITY POWERS OF THE AUTHORITY Reviewed by Aviation Lesson on 3:30 PM Rating: 5

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