Flight Phase Related Cabin Safety Procedures

Flight Phase Related Cabin Safety Procedures

Prior to Boarding of Passengers

Maintenance personnel shall mark inoperative emergency exits in accordance with the provisions laid down in OM Part B.

On taking over their aeroplane at the beginning of a day’s flight or series of flights, the cabin crew shall:
• Check the type specific cabin emergency equipment (refer to OM Part B and CCM). Equipment found at a wrong place shall be re-stowed at the appropriate location. On completion of that check the CIC will advise the Commander of any discrepancies so that these may be rectified or deferred;
• Check that the cabin (inclusive of lavatories and galleys) has been cleaned and tidied up appropriately;
• Ensure that no unstowed catering, galley or other equipment inconveniences boarding passengers nor impede the orderly flow of boarding.

Prior to Taxiing

Cabin crew shall:
• Check if the seating of handicapped passengers, children, infants and persons in custody complies with the provisions of OM Part A, Chapter 8.2.2; if not, they must arrange for their reseating;
• Ensure that all passengers are seated with their safety belts properly secured, that no food, beverage or tableware is located at any passenger seat and that food and beverage trays as well as passengers backrests are in the upright position;
• Ensure that all passenger and crew baggage, catering equipment and other cabin load is properly secured and stowed where it cannot impede evacuation or cause injury by falling or another movement. Overhead bins shall be closed;
• Ensure, by an announcement and by visual checks that no passenger uses a portable electronic device that can adversely affect the performance of the aeroplane’s system and equipment;
• Strictly enforce the NO SMOKING instructions;
• Ensure that all exits and escape paths are unobstructed. If it is necessary to pass through a doorway or curtain to reach any required emergency exit from any passenger seat, the door or curtain shall be secured in the stowed position.

Prior to taxiing CIC shall:
• Notify the Commander about the number of passengers and amount of cargo and mail;
• Obtain Commander's permission to close all doors;
• Inform the Commander that the cabin is ready for taxi.

After passenger boarding and closing of all doors and after the appropriate announcement by the CIC for arming the doors, each cabin crew member shall ensure:
• That each assisting means for emergency evacuation, that deploys automatically, is armed at the door(s) and emergency exit(s) for which he has been designated responsible;
• That all relevant emergency equipment remains easily accessible for immediate use.

Prior to taxiing, the cabin crew shall occupy their assigned stations and fasten their safety belts and harnesses except to perform safety-related duties. Furthermore, any activity which could distract any flight crew member from his duties is not authorised.

Prior to Take-Off

Prior to take-off, the cabin crew shall:
• Occupy their assigned stations and fasten their safety belts and, if installed, their harnesses, and
• Ensure (at night) that the cabin lights are dimmed in order to improve the night vision of cabin crew and passengers.

The CIC, having received the appropriate cabin report from each cabin crew member shall report »CABIN SECURED« to the Commander confirming:
  • Passengers seated with seat belts fastened, backrests upright and tables/trays in stowed position;
  • Equipment and baggage properly secured, galleys and lavatories checked, locked, secured, stowage spaces and bins closed;
  • All exits and escape paths unobstructed and curtains secured in the stowed position (if applicable);
  • All doors in “flight/armed” condition;
  • Cabin lights dimmed (night);
  • Passenger briefing according to OM Part A, Chapter 8.3.16 completed.
»CABIN SECURED« report procedure:
After sufficient taxi time which allows cabin crew to prepare cabin for take-off, CM2 calls CIC via CALLS/FWD pushbutton. Communication between cockpit and cabin crew is set up via Cabin Interphone System. As soon as cabin is prepared for take-off CIC reports:
»CABIN SECURED« (the report might be delayed until cabin is ready). Reception of report is confirmed by CM2. CAB reception knob on ACP1 should be set to reception (knob out) in order to allow Commander to receive CIC’s report. Just before line-up, the CM2 shall make a PA announcement: »CABIN CREW BE SEATED FOR TAKE-OFF«, in order to alert the cabin crew.

In Flight

After take-off all cabin crew members shall remain seated with seat belt/harnesses fastened until the Seat Belts signs have been switched OFF or cycled OFF then ON.

Procedures to be applied when turbulence is encountered are described in OM Part A, Chapter 8.

For fire avoidance and/or detection cabin crew shall conduct regular checks and observe the following provisions. Cabin crew shall:
  • Enforce strict observation of The Company NO SMOKING rules;
  • Restrict spreading of papers by passengers on the cabin floor;
  • Check lavatories for signs of smoke, and open flaps of waste boxes (to check automatic fire extinguishers);
  • Check the temperature of the hot water and the proper working of electric toilet appliances.
These checks shall be made at intervals of 15 minutes when an infrequent use of lavatories may prevent detection by passengers.

Prior to Landing

After the Seat Belts sign is switched ON at top of descent, cabin crew shall conclude passenger services and prepare the cabin for landing as soon as possible.

Prior to landing, the cabin crew shall:
• Occupy their assigned stations and fasten their safety belts and, if installed, their harnesses; and
• Ensure (at night) that the cabin lights are dimmed in order to improve the night vision of cabin crew and passengers.

The CIC, having received the appropriate cabin report from each cabin crew member shall report »CABIN SECURED« to the Commander confirming:
  • Passengers seated with seat belts fastened, backrests upright and tables/trays in stowed position;
  • Equipment and baggage properly secured, galleys and lavatories checked, locked, secured, stowage spaces and bins closed;
  • All exits and escape paths unobstructed, curtains secured in the stowed position;
  • Cabin lights dimmed (night);
  • Passenger briefing according to OM Part A, Chapter 8 completed.
CIC may give a »CABIN SECURED« report to the Commander personally in the cockpit or via interphone.

The commander shall acknowledge reception of »CABIN SECURED« report and inform CIC about actual OAT at destination aerodrome.

When landing gear is extended PNF shall make a PA announcement: »CABIN CREW BE SEATED FOR LANDING«, in order to alert cabin crew and passengers.

After Landing

After the aeroplane has touched down, cabin crew shall ensure that the passengers remain seated with their seat belts fastened until the final parking position has been reached and the engines have been switched off. Immediately after reaching parking position each cabin crew member shall ensure that the automatically deploying means for emergency evacuation, at the door(s)/emergency exit(s) he has been designated responsible for, are disarmed as prescribed in CCM.

Flight Phase Related Cabin Safety Procedures Flight Phase Related Cabin Safety Procedures Reviewed by Aviation Lesson on 10:40 AM Rating: 5

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