Night Stops/Stop Over Away from Home Base

All crew members shall comply with all instructions required for the specific country before leaving the aeroplane. After the flight they shall meet the Commander for the debriefing and in order to receive information for accommodation, transport to the hotel and departure from the hotel to the aerodrome. Pick up time for crew transportation to the aerodrome will be advised by the Commander. It should normally be arranged so that the crew will arrive at the aerodrome for check-in one hour before scheduled time of departure. Exemptions to this rule are at the Commanders discretion. Usually all crew members should use accommodation provided by the Company.

Should a crew member not require accommodation he must inform the Commander and ask for permission prior to departing. He shall leave his contact details with the Commander. At check-in for flight duty the crew members shall present themselves to the Commander.

The Commander may, out of operational necessity or in fulfilling his obligation to provide for the well being of his subordinates, advise crew members to avoid certain areas (in the vicinity of the accommodation or elsewhere).

Prior to leaving the accommodation for a longer period of time, the crew member(s) should inform other colleagues to ensure personal safety.

Hotels for the crew will be provided by the Company. That means the Company will pay for the room and breakfast. When breakfast cannot be provided in the hotel due operational circumstances (e.g. early duty start) it will be provided on aeroplane. In case of unforeseen night stops or when there is no reservation made by the Company the Commander may decide which hotel is to be taken by the crew. Whenever possible the whole crew shall stay in the same hotel.

All crew members shall:
  • Behave in uniform as well as in civilian dress in such a way that the image of the Company will not be adversely affected;
  • Follow local procedures for accommodation and crew meals;
  • Choose their private clothing so that local customs will not be offended. This also applies during the time spent outside the hotel;
  • Refrain from any action or behaviour that could lead to complaints from the hotel management;
  • Refrain from direct complaints to hotel personnel, but forward it to the Commander who will address the problem and also relay info to the Company;
  • Settle all personal bills before checking out.
Crew Transport to / from the Aerodrome

Crew transport will be arranged by the Company or the handling agent. Normally the Commander is responsible for timely crew transport. Complaints about the transportation will be made by the Commander to the Company and/or handling agent.

Smoking Regulations for Crew Members

Smoking onboard Company aeroplanes is not allowed.

Photographing/Filming and Publishing on Web Social Networks and Internet

Crew Members are expected not to photograph or film passengers in the aircraft or in the vicinity of it without their full permission.

Crew Members shall not be photographed or filmed in the aircraft or in the near vicinity of it by passengers or other crew members without their full permission.

Crew Members are expected not to publish any information - be it text, photographs or film which could potentially be used by individuals in order to perform a criminal act against crews or passengers or would give away confidential information in the Internet.

Despite the modern means of communication and the rising need of it, crews are expected not to publish anything which could, as a result of unfavourable manipulation in web social networks, harm the safety and operation of the Company, its employees and passengers.


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