This chapter describes the general principle of the quality system from an operational point of view. Information is presented as briefly as needed to understand its application in the field of flight operations. For more details refer to the Quality System Manual (QSM).

The Company has established procedures to monitor continued compliance with the requirements of authority in order to achieve the required standard of aircraft operations, maintenance and training.

It is the fundamental goal of the Company and its employees to provide high level of service and satisfaction to its customers, and to ensure safe operation and maintenance practices and airworthy aircraft. Company's policy is to constantly review and, whenever possible, improve operational and maintenance procedures, the quality and effectiveness of the services provided.

Quality System, that has been established, is designed, as a minimum, to meet the requirement of CCAR AOCR Chapter 8. Furthermore it takes into account the European requirements set in EU-OPS.

Quality Assurance Manager is designated to monitor compliance with, and the adequacy of, procedures required to ensure safe operational practices and airworthy aeroplanes.

Compliance monitoring shall include a feed-back system to the CEO (Accountable Manager) to ensure corrective action as necessary.

The Quality System shall include a Quality Assurance Programme that contains procedures designed to verify that all operations are being conducted in accordance with all applicable requirements, standards and procedures.

It is the prime consideration at all times, to recognize the safety aspect as the highest value to be taken care on. Under no circumstances should anything turn safety aspects lower than economical or other aspects.

Human factors in all operational departments are trained, to avoid any human factor caused incidents, accidents or trouble. The requirements, including a Quality System, have been integrated in the operational and maintenance parts of the organization, including (sub-) contractors. Company will dedicate the required financial, material and human resources to safeguard the system.

The Company has nominated postholders who are responsible for:
  • Flight Operations;
  • Engineering & Maintenance System;
  • Crew Training;
  • Ground Operations.
It is the postholders’ task to manage their respective part of the Quality System.


Quality Assurance Program covers all planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that operational and maintenance practices are conducted in accordance with all applicable requirements, procedures and instructions.

The elements of the program are:
  • Quality Inspections;
  • Quality Audits;
  • Monitoring, Corrective and Preventive Actions;
  • Management Reviews;
  • Customer Claim Analysis and Response Actions;
  • Supplier Evaluation;
  • Quality Training.  

The aim of monitoring within the quality system of flight operations is primarily to investigate and judge its effectiveness and thereby to ensure that defined policy, operational, and maintenance standards are continuously complied with. Monitoring activity is based upon quality inspections (responsibility of the post holders), audits, corrective action and follow-up. A quality procedure is established and published to monitor regulatory compliance on a continuing basis. This monitoring activity is aiming at eliminating the causes of unsatisfactory performance.

Any non-conformity identified as a result of monitoring will be communicated to the manager responsible for taking corrective action or, if appropriate, to the CEO (Accountable Manager). Such non-conformity will be recorded, for the purpose of further investigation, in order to determine the cause and to enable the recommendation of appropriate corrective action.

Organisational responsibility and accountability for the implementation of corrective action resides with the department cited in the report identifying the non-conformity.

There are three levels of non-conformities defined as follows:
Level 1 Major non-conformities - a serious threat to the safety or integrity of the operation;
Level 2 Significant non-conformities - standards not set or not being achieved;
Level 3 General quality non-conformities.

Raising Level 1 non-conformities
If Level 1 non-conformity is identified the auditor must take immediate action as follows:
  • Inform the responsible postholder with the objective of preventing further occurrence as soon as possible;
  • Inform the Quality Assurance Manager and Safety Manager, who will request immediate corrective action by informing the responsible postholder and the CEO (Accountable Manager).
Raising Level 2 non-conformities
Time frame of corrective action implementation on Level 2 non-conformities must be defined by the responsible Postholder and accepted by Quality Assurance Manager and Safety Manager. The action and the deadline shall be recorded in Audit Corrective Action Schedule.

Raising Level 3 non-conformities
Level 3 non-conformities shall only be recorded in the audit report; the time frame and method of corrective actions are subject to Post holder’s decision.

QUALITY SYSTEM QUALITY SYSTEM Reviewed by Aviation Lesson on 5:00 PM Rating: 5

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