Basic information promulgation system is defined in Quality System Manual (QSM), and RoR and LEP Chapters of applicable manuals.

Operational information which is of a temporary or transient nature, or which requires immediate action pending its incorporation into the Operations Manuals, is promulgated by:
  • Aircraft manufacturer advices;
  • Internal operator information.
The communication system which enables and ensures an effective exchange of operationally relevant information (including safety and security) throughout the management system for flight operations and among operational personnel, consists of utilization of phones, mobile phones, E-mail, ATS (to aircraft in-flight) and paperback, hardcopy information exchange.

Urgent information is distributed via Flight Crew Internal Notices (FCIN). This system also includes a variety of channels structured to provide a free flow of information within Flight Operations management, between Flight Operations management and other departments within the organization, from Flight Operations management to line personnel, and from line personnel to management.

Additional operational instructions and information of a temporary or informative nature shall be published and are to be treated as part of the relevant document/manual, whereby the responsibility for such publication finally rests with the responsible editor of that manual.

Note: These publications are to be kept until they have become obsolete and consequently have been cancelled by the department which issued them, or until incorporated in the documents/manuals.

Aircraft Manufacturer Advice

The following additional operational instructions and information are received by The Company Engineering/Maintenance Department and published or distributed to other departments for publishing, as applicable:
  • All Operator Telex (AOT): Issued any time eventful information, or in-service findings which could have airworthiness implication on the fleet, and urgent action is to be taken by the operator.
  • Operator Information Telex (OIT): Issued to give information on significant in-service events, but does not contain any requirement for direct action of the operator or, to give general information about maintenance and/or operations which may or may not be related to an in-service event and Airbus Industry considers that operators should be notified quickly.
  • Technical Follow - Up (TFU): Used to fix any technical matter linked to an in-service event dealing with safety related items or repetitive malfunctions or maintenance difficulties. TFU is an engineering oriented document describing the development of the technical issue.
  • Service Information Letter (SIL): Provides information of a non-urgent character (information contained in technical publication, or related to product improvement, maintenance or operational practices, economics, general organization...).
  • No Technical Objection (NTO): Is a procedure of exception, generally used in case of AOG (Aircraft On Ground) situation. It is based on the acceptability by Airbus Industry to dispatch an aircraft. The operator must obtain prior approval by its airworthiness authority to apply the provisions and limitations contained in the NTO. A NTO does not apply to stress or structure repair issues.
  • Repair Approval Sheet (RAS): Issued by Airbus Industry to approve a repair of the structure when the aircraft sustained a structural damage.
  • Operations Engineering Bulletin (OEB): Issued to advise operators of revised or new significant technical information, flight crew procedures or limitations required to conduct safe flight operation.
There are two categories of OEBs, distinguished by a colour code:
  • White paper OEBs issued as a standard communication tool;
  • Orange paper (also called "red" OEBs) issued to highlight a significant impact on safe aircraft operation. Associated with each red OEB is the issue of temporary revisions of the Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) and to the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM).
The OEBs are not airworthiness approved. They are issued on a temporary basis and cancelled by the application of a modification or a Service Bulletin (SB).

OEBs are sent by Airbus Industry to the airline to the attention of each FCOM holder for incorporation into the relevant section of the FCOM.
  • The following additional operational instructions and information are received by The Company Flight Operations Department and published accordingly:
  • Flight Operations Transmission (FOT): Issued to provide urgent information or temporary flight crew procedures or temporary limitations which must be taken into account for the safe conducts of flight.
The FOT is not airworthiness approved.

FOT may be associated with an OEB and/or a temporary revision to the FCOM and/or a temporary revision to the AFM.

FCOM Bulletin: Published when there is a need for additional background information concerning technical, operational matters or to emphasize a particular aspect of general interest. They amplify or complete FCOM information. They are printed on blue paper and should be incorporated in the Bulletin chapter of the FCOM.

Operator's Internal Information

The system of internal information is made of the following data issued by the concerned department responsible for its promulgation and the means of issuance. The person responsible for the issuance of the information is also responsible for its control, distribution – according to a distribution list –, follow-up and its cancellation if applicable.

When applicable, the information shall mention the issue date and shall state the beginning and ending of its applicability. If unable to mention the applicability period, it shall mention "valid until further notice". The information is dispatched by means of paper publications and/or by electronic mail. This information will further be used to bring significant changes in legislation to the attention of staff. They will also be used for the dissemination of other operational information of general interest found in such publications as aeronautical information circulars, flight safety reports and notes.

Internal Operator Information consists of four different publications, which are:
  • (Flight) Crew Internal Notice
  • Directive
  • Bulletin
  • Flight Safety Information
(Flight) Crew Internal Notice includes changes, notes and new applications related with Company’s operational policies and regulations.

Directives are issued by the responsible editor of corresponding basic manual to promulgate operational information which is supplementary and/or overriding to that contained in the basic manual and is either of a semi-permanent or of an urgent nature.

Bulletins are issued by the responsible editor of corresponding basic manual to promulgate operational information which is supplementary to that contained in the basic manual.

Flight Safety Information is issued by the Safety Department with the purpose of providing safety information based on airline experience or studies or following aircraft manufacturers or authorities advise. It also informs the operations personnel about the incidents and accidents which occur somewhere in the world to pay attention, learn lessons, etc.

Regularly and at intervals of not more than 6 months, the responsible department will review its Operator's Internal Information to ensure that, where necessary, action has been taken to incorporate the contents as amendments to the appropriate manuals and to remove those which are no longer valid or which in their opinion may be removed as sufficiently promulgated.


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